Thursday, February 26, 2009



I truely and completely believe in evoloution. I completely reject the view of creationism or intelligent design.
DNA is the building block of matter. The only interest that the DNA molecule has is to replicate itself. This has lead to the creation over 3 billion years some of the most complex organisms in the world from the virus to the Homo Sapien. It is important to note that at the base of every living organism is the DNA which is present in every living being. In that sense everyone of us is descended from the extraordinarily adaptable protein molecules who just wanted to make copies of itself.
There is nothing "moral" about evolution. There is also nothing "higher" or "lower". It just is. Nature cannot give us 'moral examples'.
Basically evolution works through a simple method :
1. A random mutation (or copying error) leaves an organism to cope better with the enviornment and hence is more reporductively successful.
2. This mutation then spreads throughout the population making subsequent generations carry this mutation. This is natural selection.
3. This process continues far enough that 'speciation' happens and species far removed from each other cannot mate / reproduce.
4. The gene hence is selfish i.e. it is only interested in preserving it's copying capability and will only choose those characteristics which will enchance chances to reproduce.
We should remember that the average lifespan of a species is only 4 million years. It is humbling to note that the dianosaurs ruled the world for much longer and were destryoed about 65 million years ago in a possible astronomical impact.
We have evolved in stages from our nearest cousins, the chimpanzee over 7 million years. All the variation that we see in physical features (flat noses, blackness, light blue eyes etc.) accross the world are only approximately 50000 years old this is a blink in geological time. The world was 'peopled' from a single group in Africa. We are closer than we think we are.

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